Coconut Spirulina Balls from The Wellth

Just in time for the holidays, today we're sharing a delicious, nutrient dense spirulina energy ball from Calgary based nutritionist and food stylist Mia Campbell. Try these in place of your usual holiday indulgences, and notice how vibrant, vital and energized you feel - with SpiraVeg!

First things first, what is spirulina?

Spirulina is a blue-green microalgae that is known to be incredibly nutritious and healthy for the human body. Historically, spirulina grows in large bodies of water across the warmest regions in the world. Today, thanks to modern day science, spirulina can grow and thrive in closed-circuit ecosystems without compromising quality or purity.

Maybe you’ve tried spirulina in the past and have been turned off by its …. swamp like flavour (you know what I’m talking about). SpiraVeg is quite different in that regard.

SpiraVeg’s careful growing and harvesting process ensures that the spirulina cells are kept intact. All the valuable nutrients are retained in the intact cells; therefore SpiraVeg spirulina is odorless and tasteless (you read that right!)

Ok, now for the recipe. I prefer to use the raw spirulina obviously because you get all the benefits of the superfood without actually tasting it (it also gives these bites a beautiful green colour). If you don’t have access to a raw spirulina, you could opt for a powder variety, just know that less is more! Start with a tsp and slowly increase the amount you add so that the flavour of the powdered spirulina doesn’t overpower the bites.

What you’ll need:

1 cup toasted coconut flakes*

1/4 cup quick oats

2 tbsp hemp hearts

2 tbsp chia seeds

2 tbsp ground flax seed

1/2 cup soaked pitted medjool dates*

1/4 cup almond butter (or other nut butter)

1 tbsp coconut butter

1 tsp vanilla

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/4 tsp maca (optional)

1 tbsp fresh raw spirulina (from SpiraVeg)

The steps:

Add all ingredients to a food processor, pulse until a sticky dough is formed.

Using a tablespoon, scoop out the mixture and roll into balls using your hands. transfer to a plate and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Remove & enjoy or place in the freezer to preserve the energy bites.


* toast your coconut flakes in the over at 325ºf for 5 minutes, keeping a close eye on it – coconut can burn fast!

* add the dates to a bowl with boiling water and let soften for 8-10 minutes. Drain the water & use as indicated in recipe.

Enjoy! Wishing you and yours a very happy holiday season :)

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